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7 days art challenge

someone in the facebook universe invite us (me and my wife) to do this challenge, well actually it come from my friends Yu Dhi and Sari Atika. this is a challenge to make us more productive even just for a week, but in fact in makes me somewhat busy in week. But, another fact is I definitely enjoying to complete the challenge.

the first one to invite is actually -Winilih- (my wife) by Sari Atika, but he also mention me because we are somewhat one packed person, if you mention -Winilih- is actually me as well, if you mention me actually my wife as well. hahaha..

after we discuss it, we decide to not done the challenge in the same time. not just about our business but also it makes us to enjoying the challenge in 2 week (what a cheat! hahaha). the first one to start is my wife.

you can check her works for 7 days challenge here :


1. this challenge had a simple rules to complete, you just need to create 7 arts an upload it in 7 days consecutively so it become a full week of art in your life. But unfortunately, so many of my friends just upload their paintings not to create a new one, they just using saved works. even to me that behaviour isn't wrong at all, but i thought "what is the challenge if you just upload pictures" so we decide to done it real works, fresh new works just for the challenge.

2. when you upload your works in this challenge, you just need to invite someone to do the challenge. you can just invite someone you knew or even find new friends (i mean real friends, not just clicking an add friend button) to share your works and expanding your world.


day 1 of 7

day 2 of 7

day 3 of 7

day 4 of 7

day 5 of 7

day 6 of 7

finally the last one

day 7 of 7

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